Newsletter Edition 9, June 15 2021
Principal's Message
A Message from Mrs Claire Wrigley
Learning Diversity at Emmanuel
Social Justice and Service
An Evening That Will Inspire!
Learning the tools of the trade
Emmanuel Equestrian Team
VCE Studio Arts Excursion
Students learning in languages
Year 11 VCAL Cafe
Library News
VCE Visual Communications and Media Trip to Melbourne
Delivering books to remote schools
Songwriting Workshop
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Nomination Period Extended for Youth Awards
Warrni Youth Fest
Upcoming Events
Principal's Message

Dear Emmanuel College Families,
This is a short week for Emmanuel students and I hope it fills them with energy and resolve to successfully complete the term. It is a busy time with almost every class completing end of unit assessments that teachers will soon report to parents and guardians. The advertised date for the release of semester one reports will be delayed by a couple of days as a result of the recent return to remote learning. Assistant Principal – Learning and Teaching, Mr Justin Houlihan, will shortly provide further information regarding the release of reports. As this is the final newsletter for this term please remember term two concludes on Friday 25 June at 2.25pm and I wish all students, and any families with leave during this time a wonderful break.
Changes in 2022
At last week’s Staff Meeting a number of updates were shared with staff regarding the progress of the two major developments that will be in place for the start of 2022. As I have written many times before, the College has a clear vision to re-position year levels between the campuses and the capital works and program developments that will accompany the transition will be completed by the end of this year. Beneath I provide an update regarding the initiatives that will accompany the realignment of campuses at the start of next year.
When 2022 commences Year nine students will continue their learning at the Rice Campus in Canterbury Road. The students will be commencing a new program named 9@RICE where the letters for RICE are an acronym for Resilience, Innovation, Community and Exploration, themes that will be woven through all aspects of the program. The Year nine team developing 9@RICE have used a backwards by design model to create the program; that is, the team has identified the outcomes we want our Year nine students to achieve, and worked backwards to ensure the content and the experiences will enable students to experience and achieve these outcomes. Students will study areas including communication, discovery and wisdom in which they will experience typical core subjects plus the touchstones of resilience, innovation, community and wisdom. Students will have the choice of two elective studies, and experience four lessons of physical education per fortnight. One lesson per fortnight will incorporate the school’s own pastoral approach, “Fit4Life”, and see students maintain a gratitude journal, or a record of their positive achievements and the life experiences for which they feel gratitude. In addition to a different way of approaching curriculum, students will have an opportunity through project-based learning experiences in terms one through three to identify a “passion” project, that is a project with a personalised or individualised focus they will complete and present during term four. Rounding out student’s classroom experience will be the immersion weeks that incorporate a physical challenge into learning including an overnight experience on country to explore what ‘place and country’ mean to indigenous Australians and the possibility of a Canberra trip to experience the nation’s most significant civic and cultural institutions. The 9@RICE program is cause for excitement as it creates a new way of thinking about learning at this critical time in a young person’s life when they are transitioning from the junior secondary school to the senior school, a time where we know many young people become disengaged from their learning. An overarching goal of the 9@RICE experience is to place more autonomy in the hands of our learners and empower them to make decisions about their future learning and pathways before joining the senior school.
Senior School
It is clear from the above information that we want Emmanuel students commencing Year ten to see themselves as members of the senior school and to respond accordingly. For the last decade as a result of the growth at Emmanuel, Year ten students have been separated from the senior school. From 2022, Year ten to twelve students will learn together at McAuley Campus virtually eliminating the need to travel between campuses to access subjects. We also want to ensure the campus and the approach the students return to in Year ten is different to that which they left behind at the end of Year eight. From the start of 2022, students in Years ten to twelve will belong to a senior school with a vertical, house based pastoral structure, the benefits of which include:
- Improved learning relationships
- Enhanced partnerships between parents and House Mentors
- Multi-age connections between students while working with peers from a broader age range
- Reciprocal opportunities for leadership, mentoring and advice between students and year levels
- Stability and continuity from having the same House Mentor during the three-year senior school journey
- A safe and welcoming environment in which students feel a sense of belonging
- Extra connectedness and inclusivity
Within this new structure House Mentors will replace homeroom teaches and each mentor will support students on their three-year senior school journey until they depart Emmanuel College. Every student at McAuley Campus will be a senior student whom we invite to be self-aware learners who take ownership of their learning and their future pathway. The following diagram illustrates the structure of the Senior School lead by the Director of McAuley Campus who is supported by the Head of each House and the House Mentors.
The Emmanuel College House based pastoral approach will promote high levels of student engagement, school spirit and involvement in a range of challenging, enjoyable activities. House activities will give all students opportunities to experience success, motivation and participation in College life. Houses will compete for the House Cup with their sporting, creative, academic and service achievements.
In term three we will provide information sessions for families to hear firsthand from the College staff developing these new approaches to living and learning at Emmanuel College, both of which will be fully implemented in 2022.
Finally, congratulations to the Emmanuel students who recently supported the casual clothes day and fundraising for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Together the students raised the excellent amount of $1500 for the Appeal. Thank you to coordinating teacher Mrs Jacinta Skilbeck for her work with the Young Vinnies.
We pray for the individuals and the communities impacted by devastating
winds and rain this week, and for the generosity of neighbours|
to enable life to resume as normally as possibly.
St. Joseph: Pray for us. May the spirit of Catherine McAuley and
Edmund Rice guide us in all that we do. Amen.
Mr Peter Morgan
A Message from Mrs Claire Wrigley

Police in School Presentation – Cyber-safety
Within our Fit4Life program on Tuesday June 22, all Year 7-9 students will hear from Constable Brooke from Warrnambool police about cyber safety. This presentation will be presented in year levels and will include information about cyber safety, laws in regards to sharing of information online and respectful behaviour online with an explanation of ‘Brodies’s Law which outlines laws about bullying online. Students will also have the opportunity to ask questions to seek any further clarification.
Safety in the Cyber World – group pages/chats
The cyber world can be a wonderful resource for education and communication when used in the appropriate manner. From time to time pages are set up on forums such as snap chat, Instagram and Facebook that may appear to have school endorsement by way of a school crest on the page or homeroom group name, however, they are in fact pages set up by individuals, some of whom may have no connection with our school community. Students in our school may be invited to join such pages sometimes completely unaware of who set up the page and who else can see it. Often, they are in the public domain and can be accessed by anyone. We discourage students joining big group chat groups with other students.
This message is just a timely reminder for parents to have conversations with your children about their online safety and behaviour along with the educative approach we take at school through conversation with students and presentations such as that explained above. Often young people can find themselves caught up on pages that are not productive. This can lead to difficulties in navigating the online world.
We suggest that you make yourself aware of what your child is accessing online. We hope that through parental involvement and education in this space that children understand respectful and safe behaviour online and the implications involved in poor online behaviour and laws surrounding the cyber world.
The only official Emmanuel College platforms in the digital world are our website and a Facebook page. Should you be concerned about your son or daughters’ activities online the links below provide excellent advice for parents and their children.

Learning Diversity at Emmanuel
Emmanuel College recognises that all students can learn, and we encourage students to extend themselves in all areas of school life. Learning success has a very positive impact on a student’s sense of self-worth and achievement.
At Emmanuel, 20 per cent of students receive additional support in their learning. One of the roles of Learning Diversity is to address the needs of those students requiring more support to achieve success.
Strategies in place for those identified as needing extra support include:
● A Personal Learning Plan (PLP)
● Access to Learning Diversity assistance
● Individualised adjusted and modified programs
● Access to Wellbeing
● Regular student support meetings with parents/guardians
Below is a link to a flyer from the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV) outlining the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) of School Students with Disability. The NCCD enables our school to better understand the needs of students with a disability and how they can be best supported at school. Students identified as eligible for extra support are included in the NCCD. This flyer outlines the grounds for giving extra support.
If you received a PLP for a child in your care towards the end of term one, you know that your child is receiving extra support.
If you did not receive a PLP and you think a child in your care should be receiving extra support, please read the flyer and contact us to discuss the matter further.
Cherryll Courtney
Leader of Learning Diversity (Years 7-9)
Stacey Baker
Leader of Learning Diversity (Years 10 -12)
Social Justice and Service

It’s been a busy few months for social justice and volunteering at Emmanuel.
Activities that raise money and awareness also provide a strong link to our RE curriculum and Catholic Social Teaching. Two important elements of Catholic Social Teaching are a preferential option for the poor and the dignity of the human person.
Providing for others and developing an awareness of injustice in the world are also an expression of our Mercy values of compassion, justice, respect, hospitality, service and courage, and a key focus of our Vinnies/Social Justice group.
Most recently, students and staff raised over $1500 for the Vinnies Winter Appeal through a casual clothes day. It was our first day back after lockdown, and a fun way to express our gratitude for all we have by raising funds to support people in our community that need assistance with food, clothing and a safe place to stay.
Click here if you would like to donate.
Another significant event has been the Soup Kitchen at St Joseph’s hall during March. Students and staff new to this experience underwent a short induction, and combined this with existing skills to prepare a three course meal, serve meals, clear and clean tables and workspaces and interact with people who attended the dinner. All students involved demonstrated initiative, empathy and a high level of professionalism, and it was a wonderful opportunity to mix with a great group of people and assist people who are in need by making them feel cared for and welcome.
There are many great examples of students and staff helping to raise awareness of local and global issues, including:
- Year 12 students and Yr 12 RE staff organised and participated in Caritas Ks - a fun activity where they carried buckets of water around a course in the gardens, to gain a deeper understanding of the hardships many people face with everyday tasks and access to basic human rights such as water.
- VCAL students cooked a BBQ, with funds contributing to Caritas and Project Compassion.
- Social justice projects in RE classes and homerooms.
We are very grateful for all your contributions and for helping to raise awareness of injustice in our world.
Jacinta Skilbeck
Social Justice and Service Coordinator

An Evening That Will Inspire!

Emmanuel College is presenting An Evening of Inspiration on Friday 30 July at the Lighthouse Theatre commencing at 7.30pm.
An Evening of Inspiration is a night held every second year where we showcase the talent of Emmanuel College students, recognise exceptional student achievements, induct the Emmanuel College Inspiring Alumni for 2021 and recognise our Young Alumni Achievers.
Our Inspiring Alumni for 2021 are:
Service - John McGrath OAM Class of 1957
Business - Jacinta Reddan Class of 1982
Service - Anthony Leddin Class of 1994
Science - Dr Alison Farley Class of 1990
Service - Graham Warburton Class of 1961
Service - Inala Cooper (Dobson) Class of 1995
Our Young Alumni Achievers are:
Meletia Crimmin (Finnigan), Stephanie Thiberge (Reid), Dylan Lesock, James Kol, Daniel O’Keefe, Garry Roberts & Tom O’Connor.
The evening will feature student talent in Music, Art, Fashion, Multimedia, Spoken Word and Song.
Tickets are available at low cost to make the event affordable for the family.
Tickets can be purchased here
Learning the tools of the trade
Over the course of Term 2, students in Year 7 have been working hard in the Industrial Skills Centre (ISC) enjoying their Design Technology subject. For two periods per week, students in homerooms 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I and 7J have been learning to safely use woodworking hand tools and various machines, exploring new skills which include measuring, cutting, sanding, chiselling, drilling, glueing, nailing and hammering to construct the Sliding Lid Timber Box. Many of the process learned during the construction of this project are vital for continual success in Design Technology subjects at Emmanuel, with all skills being sequenced to ensure a strong base for success across projects from Years 7-12.
In the past, students have found a design of their choice to etch into the acrylic lid using the laser cutter. This year we have mixed things up and used a sticker to incorporate a custom design onto the acrylic. Among many other cool bits of machinery and equipment in the ISC, we are fortunate enough to have a vinyl cutter that cuts designs into rolls of coloured vinyl sticker sheet. The students created or chose designs that were prepared and transferred across to the acrylic lids, leaving a very desirable finish. The results speak for themselves, with many cool and unique designs pairing up nicely with the coloured acrylic lids. Well done to all Year 7’s this semester on your fantastic work!
Mr Daniel Weymouth
Teaching Staff

Emmanuel Equestrian Team

As well as the more familiar sports events we hear about in our school community, members of the Emmanuel Equestrian Team have also been training hard and competing in events at Interschool and even State level.
The Victorian Interschool State Championships is a five-day event run in April each year at Werribee Park Equestrian Centre.
It features dressage, show jumping, combined training, show horse, novelty and handy mount classes for primary and secondary students, and also provides a pathway to the national championships. Matilda Graesser of 7G, and her two horses, Kahean Knight Storm, and Now Or Never, recently competed across three disciplines of Showjumping, Combined Training and Dressage, each discipline requiring specific abilities in both horse and rider.
Despite the very long drive and terrible weather, Matilda was placed 5th on Kahean Knight Storm in the 95cm Showjumping.
Other Emmanuel student riders competing at Interschool level are Ella Gapes, Sophie Gapes, Hannah Dyson, Josie Collins and Charlotte Dyson - a credit to them all, and a testament to the many hours of hard work, practice and commitment required for this sport.
Ms Jacqui Floyd

VCE Studio Arts Excursion

Prior to Melbourne being locked down the Year 12 Studio Arts class made their way to Melbourne to view the Top Arts Exhibition and 4 other exhibition spaces including large galleries such as the National Gallery of Victoria, Public Art spaces- Hosier Lane, Artist Run Initiative- Blindside and the Contemporary Art Space- Australian Centre Contemporary Art.
Leaving Warrnambool at 6.00am we were in the first gallery when it opened at 10.00am and then spent the day immersed in art. Students were able to finally situate almost two years of learning about exhibitions and art into a diverse range of spaces after being unable to travel to Melbourne last year. With luck, we will return to Melbourne later in the year for a range of talks and viewing of different exhibition spaces. These experiences will support the students understanding of art and the ways that it is displayed ahead of major assessments and their exam. What a wonderful experience to see all these spaces in support of their Studio Arts studies.
Natasha Cummings
Creative Arts Coordinator

Students learning in languages
It’s been a pleasure to welcome back class of 2020 alumni, Harrison Carroll-Beard. He is undertaking a Medicine degree at Monash University and between preparing for his exams, has been working with Year 11 and 12 students studying Japanese on their speaking skills. Harrison is pictured helping Year 11 student Martin Wohlers.

Harrison Carroll-Beard (Class of 2020) helping Martin Wohlers of Year 11
The Year 10 Japanese curriculum includes learning about shoppoing, food and lifestules in Japan. Students in Mrs Joseph’s Year 10 Japanese class enjoyed learning how to make gyoza, dumplings filled with meat and cabbage. とてもおいしかったです。
Mrs Michelle Joseph
Languages Coordinator

Year 11 VCAL Cafe
The Year 11 VCAL students are working on their Café project. On Friday at recess they fire up the coffee machine and sell hot chocolates and coffee to staff and students. Initially they had to plan this project including obtaining and then learning how to use the tap and go payment technology. They also did some baking, learning how to make yo-yos. They all had to learn how to use the fancy coffee machine and make a budget and decide what price to charge for a drink.
Year 11 VCAL teacher Kristy Cameron advised she had positive feedback from staff and students and the Café has been busy during the two recesses that it has opened so far.
Caroline Garner

Library News
Year 12 Study
The Year 12's have been busy studying in the Rice Library. They completed an English SAC last Wednesday and have been attending Study Hall on Monday to Thursday after school.

Reminders About Items On Loan
Students are able to borrow books for a period of 3 weeks. Other items such as calculators are on a shorter term loan.
- Each item is borrowed for a 3 week period (equipment may be a shorter loan period)
- At any time a student can visit the Library home page (on SIMON) and renew an item by logging in with their user name and computer password
- Students can see at anytime which items they have on loan by visiting the Library home page and logging in with their computer user name and password
- If students query a book/item that is in their name, Library Staff will record this and do a shelf check to see if the item has ended up on the shelf without being returned on our system
- Items can be returned at either the Rice or McAuley Library
We have a system of reminders to help students return items so that others can make use of them:
Three days before an item is due back the student will get an email as a reminder saying to renew or return the item.
Once the item becomes overdue the student will receive another email. And so the process continues.
Underdue email
Students receive an email stating that the item/s they have on loan will be due back to the Library in 3 days.
At this time they can visit the Library to renew or return or visit the Library home page (found on SIMON) and renew the items online. Students can also use their student ID card in the McAuley Library to renew items.
Student overdue email No 1 – 1st week
Students receive an overdue email notification one week after an item is overdue.
Student overdue email No 2 – 2nd week
Students receive an overdue email notification one week after Student overdue email No 1 has been sent if item/s not already returned.
Parent/Guardian 1st letter email – 3rd week
If the item is still not returned, an automatic email will be sent to the parents/guardians one week after the 2nd student overdue email letting them know their child has an overdue item.
The letter states to contact the Library to discuss. If the item is not returned the item will be charged to your school fees.
We encourage students to borrow items from the Library and believe that we have the processes in place to give reminders so that items can be returned or renewed. If you have any questions about this please contact the Library.
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge

The Challenge is up and running. Students in Year 7 and 8 can log in and record the books that they have read so far this year. To successfully complete the Challenge a student must read 15 books before September. English novels read in class can be included in this total. Students in Year 9 and 10 can email Mrs Sinnott to be added to the Challenge. We encourage as many students as possible to join in the Challenge and give it a go.
To log in students can click here:
Click: Sign In (the top box that says School Coordinator or Student)
Students fill in their Username and Passcode (available from Mrs Sinnott or their English teacher)
Click: Log In
Students will then be able to add the books that they have read.
If there are any questions about the Challenge, please email Mrs Sinnott
Mrs Margaret Sinnott
Library Coordinator and Teacher Librarian
VCE Visual Communications and Media Trip to Melbourne

During Term 2 Year 12 Media and Year 12 Visual Communication Design students, accompanied by VCE teachers Rob Allison and Jacinta Skilbeck and trainee Angelina Mentha, travelled to Melbourne to be immersed in a range of creative experiences.
Media students attended Top Screens where they viewed some exemplary final productions created by students across the state. These productions included short films, animations, mockumentaries, documentaries, stop motion, and covered a variety of genres from comedy and drama through to science fiction and horror.
Vis Comm Design students participated in a street art/architecture tour in the morning, which provided an interesting insight into the media and methods behind creating street art, as well as the political and cultural aspects to this medium. The tour also provided a valuable opportunity to explore a range of architectural styles, providing students with inspiration for their upcoming folios.
The entire group then re-lived childhood memories when we attended the ‘Disney: Magic of Animation’ exhibition at the newly redeveloped ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) at Fed Square. We viewed stunning illustrations and interesting photos, storyboards and 3D artworks which formed the basis of many much loved animated feature films from Disney. The exhibition has travelled all the way from the Walt Disney studios in Los Angeles, and features over 500 original and rare creative works which span almost 100 years of imaginative storytelling.
Later in the day we all attended Top Designs, which included examples of final presentations and folio work from some outstanding VCE Media and Visual Communication Design students from across the state in 2020, as well as other creative arts subjects. It was really impressive to see such a high standard of work produced during a challenging year for students, and it provided further inspiration for our students about to embark on their own folio journeys.
The students were a credit to the college in the way they participated in all activities. Thanks as usual to Jaffa for driving the bus!
Jacinta Skilbeck
VCE Visual Communication Design teacher.

Delivering books to remote schools

Cathy Anderson is setting off on an adventure to raise money for children in need as part of the Variety Bash fundraiser. Along this adventure, Cathy would also like to deliver 100 books to remote schools along the way.
The Variety Bash Fundraiser is held in August and Cathy will be accompanied by Carmel Clarke from Heywood. Together they will travel and experience many remote and regional parts of Australia.
Cathy has set aside 30 books which she will purchase herself but if you would like to help her with donations they would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to help Cathy (who is a past parent and supporter of and volunteer of Emmanuel College) and donate a book head in to Collins Booksellers in Liebig Street. People who would like to donate a book can go in to Collins Booksellers and purchase a book at a discounted price.
Songwriting Workshop
Ever wondered how to write a song? Here's your chance to know more!
If you are in Years 7 to 10, you have the opportunity to join in this fun workshop experience where you will learn the basics of songwriting, and discover your inner creativity in a safe, nurturing environment. The session will be held after school at The Stage on Tuesday 22nd of June from 4:20pm-5:30 pm. If you are interested in coming or would like to know more, please email
This event is being held as part of the Year 11 VCAL program, and we hope you can join us! Feel free to bring along a friend!
Paige Griffin
Year 11 Student

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

The College Uniform shop will be closed on Friday 18 June 2021 for the Student Free Day.
It will also be closed during the school holidays and will re-open on Monday 12 July at 8am.
Note - The first day of Term 3 is Tuesday 13 July 2021.
Nomination Period Extended for Youth Awards

2021 Warrnambool & Moyne Youth Awards
The 2021 Warrnambool and Moyne Youth Awards are an annual event that are this year presented in partnership between the Warrnambool Youth Council and the Moyne Shire Youth Awards Working Group. The awards are a unique opportunity to celebrate our region's young people.
Nominations now close Friday 18 June 2021.
The presentation ceremony which will be held on Sunday 25 July at Deakin University Warrnambool. The awards ceremony will also be broadcast via the Warrnambool City Council and Moyne Youth Council Facebook Pages.
The awards recognise young people who have demonstrated the values of Resilience, Passion, Kindness, Responsibility, and Cooperation. We know that it precisely these values that our young people have drawn on to get through the challenges of the last 12 months.
Nominations can be made by community members, peers, teachers and family members. We also encourage people making these nominations to talk to and even co-write with the nominee.
Nominations can be made here
More information can be found here
Warrni Youth Fest
WARRNI YOUTH FEST, is a festival of free events for young people aged 12-25 over Victorian Youth Week (June 26th - July 3rd).
Brophy Family & youth services together with our partners headspace Warrnambool, Foyer Warrnambool, Warrnambool City Council, Moyne Shire Council and Victorian Youth Week look forward to providing some fun and exciting events to young people in Warrnambool and surrounding areas when we have to holiday at home.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday June 15
Week A
Wednesday June 16
Year 9 Girls AFL Academy - Parent/Guardian/Family game
Thursday June 17
3.30pm Elective Changes Closed
Friday June 18
Student Free Day
Correction/Reporting Day
Monday June 21
Week B
9am Paul Watkins VCAL Presentation
Tuesday June 22
6.30am Bendigo Art Gallery Field Trip
Period 1 Year 8 Police Talk - Cyber Safety
Period 2 Year 9 Police Talk - Cyber Safety
Period 3 Year 7 Cyber Safety Talk
Friday June 25
2.25pm Term Two ends
Wednesday June 30
Reports released